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Our Missions
All G9skin’s products contain 9 ingredients, that is called as G9 complex. It help to purify and protect our tired skin to clean and healthy skin. - lotus extract, ivy extract, pine sprout extract, eucalyptus extract, oregano leaf extract, Linseed extract, hibiscus extract, chia seed extract, green tea extract
G9Skin found 9 harmful elements that caused from city life and tries to protect our skins from them. - Ultraviolet rays, dry living environment (heater & air conditioner), air pollution (waste gas, fine dust and yellow dust), stress (drinking & smoking), global warming, irregular living pattern, cosmetics’ harmful ingredients, thick makeup, wrong skin care habit.
You will have healthy and beautiful skin after along with these optimized 9 effective guides for your skin trouble. G9skin suggests efficacy guides to solve skin problems - Moist, whitening, anti-wrinkle, nutrition, elasticity, skin purifying, sensitive skin care, pore care trouble, ultraviolet care
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