Autumn Skin care

Fall in Love with Your Skin: The Best Autumn Skincare Practices

Written by: Samika G




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Autumn, a season of transition, is the perfect time to rejuvenate your skincare routine. As the air turns crisp and leaves start to fall, your skin demands special care to combat the changing weather conditions. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the tweaks your skincare routine needs to keep your skin glowing throughout the season.

Understanding Your Skin's Autumn Needs

The transition from summer to autumn brings its unique set of challenges for your skin. As the air becomes drier, your skin might also start to lose its natural moisture.


Why Does Your Skin Change in Autumn?

During autumn, the humidity levels drop, leading to increased evaporation of water from the skin. This lack of humidity can cause skin irritation, eczema, and other skin problems. Moreover, people who could skip moisturizer in summer might need to start using one or switch to a heavier one during autumn.

The Effect of Autumn on Different Skin Types

While all skin types require some adjustments in their skincare routine during autumn, the changes vary depending on your skin type. Oily skin might benefit from the season's change, as the reduced risk of breakouts and the environment's natural treatment of the skin can be advantageous. However, for dry skin, autumn can increase the dryness, causing irritation and discomfort.

Essential Autumn Skincare Practices

With the right skincare practices, you can keep your skin healthy and radiant throughout the season. Here are some essential skincare practices to follow during autumn. 

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to maintaining skin health. Drinking enough water ensures that your skin receives the necessary hydration from within. Aim to drink at least 2 litres of water per day to keep your skin glowing. 

Switch Your Cleanser

If you've been using a strong cleanser during summer to get rid of sweat and grime, autumn is the time to switch to a gentler, soothing cleanser. A hydrating cream cleanser can be a good choice. It might not foam as much, but it effectively removes makeup and doesn't strip your skin of its natural oils.

Boost Your Exfoliation Game

Exfoliation is essential for removing the dead skin cells that accumulate on your skin. During autumn, you can safely reintroduce chemical exfoliants and acid peels into your skincare routine. These ingredients help to slough away dead skin cells, revealing brighter, fresher skin underneath.

Boost Your Exfoliation Game

Exfoliation is essential for removing the dead skin cells that accumulate on your skin. During autumn, you can safely reintroduce chemical exfoliants and acid peels into your skincare routine. These ingredients help to slough away dead skin cells, revealing brighter, fresher skin underneath.

Embrace Facial Oils

Facial oils are your skin's best friend during autumn. They provide essential fatty acids, nutrients, and vitamins, along with the hydration your skin needs. Depending on your skin's needs, you can use an oil blend or a single ingredient oil. Use them as the last step in your skincare routine or replace your regular moisturizer with them. 

Don't Forget the Sunscreen

Even during autumn, it's essential to protect your skin from the sun. UVA rays, which cause wrinkles and discoloration, can penetrate window glass in cars and offices. Therefore, it's crucial to apply sunscreen even when you're indoors.

Treat Your Skin with Rich Ointments

If you have dry skin, using a rich ointment during autumn can be beneficial. Ointments form a thin film on the skin to prevent water loss, thus providing intense hydration. 

Show Some Love to Your Lips

Autumn is the perfect time to experiment with bold lip colours. However, matte lipsticks can be drying. To keep your lips conditioned, apply a good lip balm at night and keep one handy during the day.

Invest in a Good Body Lotion

Autumn is the time to start using a daily moisturizer for your body to prevent dry and itchy skin. Applying a good body lotion or body oil right after your shower can lock in the moisture and keep your skin supple and hydrated.

Take Care of Your Hands and Feet

Your hands and feet also need special care during autumn. The skin in these areas can easily become dry and cracked due to the cold weather. Therefore, it's essential to keep them moisturized with a nourishing hand cream and foot cream.

The Power of Natural Ingredients

Incorporating natural ingredients into your autumn skincare routine can provide added benefits. Here are some natural ingredients that can help your skin thrive during autumn. 

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a humectant that attracts water to the skin. It's excellent for hydrating acne-prone complexions without prompting breakouts. 


Retinol is known for its anti-aging properties. During autumn, when the sun is less harsh, it's safe to reintroduce retinol into your skincare routine. 


Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage your skin. They can be found in many fruits and vegetables, so make sure to include them in your diet. 

Essential Oils

Essential oils can provide a range of benefits for your skin. For example, lavender oil can soothe irritated skin, while tea tree oil can help control acne. 


Autumn is a season of change, and your skincare routine should adapt to these changes. By following the practices mentioned above, you can keep your skin healthy and glowing throughout the season. Remember, the key to great skin is consistency, so make sure to stick to your skincare routine every day. Happy autumn!

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